Collection of herbs included in the infusion is effective for cleansing the lungs. Reduces oxidative stress of the lungs. Calms and releases histamines. Flushes out bacteria and viruses. Contains B-carotene.
Ingredients: coltsfoot, common agrimony, mint, eucalyptus, lungwort, oregano, horse-heal, yarrows, mullein, liquorice, thyme, watercress, common sage, lavender
Dosage: 8-10 drops in some water three times a day. The last intake: 2 hours before bedtime. Do not take with dairy products
Course duration: at least one month
The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. The product is not a substitute for medical treatment. Do not discontinue any therapy without prior consultation with your physician. Should not be taken recklessly and without the advice of a specialist