Honey of excellent quality made by monks of Monastery Hilandar on Mount Athos. Chestnut-lime honey is one of the best and most useful honey varieties. This honey has high antibacterial properties and is a source of vitamins and antioxidants. This type of honey helps with colds, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and is useful for gallbladder diseases.
In Mount Athos peninsula, the main forest trees that offer us their flowers are the pine, the fir, the oak, the chestnut, as well as a mixture of other trees, and a variety of flowers. Through the ages, the bees have formed a harmonious partnership with the forest, providing us with an excellent honey. It is also noteworthy that the forests of Mount Athos are protected by the NATURA 2000 treaty.
Depending on the plant and origin, honey may have a different taste, color, aroma and proportion of ingredients it contains.
In general, we should know that honey: