The bracelet consists of small knots, into which two seed bead inserts are woven. The bracelet also contains a sterling silver icon depicting Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, which makes it not just a piece of jewelry, but a Christian symbol of faith. Thanks to a special braiding technique, the bracelet can be easily stretched by increasing the distance between the knots. This means it's is suitable for all wrist sizes.
Greek komboskini bracelets are woven by the monks of the Mount Athos monasteries with prayer and for prayer. The name of the bracelet reflects its essence and purpose: in Greek, kombos (κόμπος) means "knot", and skini (σχοινί) is a rope or cord.
The weaving of the komboskini bracelets is always accompanied by continuous prayer. Tying each knot, the monk says: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me." Due to this, Greeks believe that komboskini bracelet protects the person who wears it. But the bracelets also have a more practical use: like prayer ropes, they are used by the prayers to go through the knots and thus count the number of prayers uttered.
Bracelets are braided in a special way: each knot consists of 9 crosses of cord, symbolizing the nine crosses, or nine angelic ranks. Often seed beads, little crosses or icons are woven into the bracelet. Komboskini bracelets are usually worn on the wrist of the left hand, as it's closer to the heart. Believers often give such bracelets to their family and friends to remember and pray for them.
Many Orthodox Christians turn to St. Spiridon in prayer. He belongs to the cohort of holy fathers of the dawn of Christianity. Spiridon was born in 270 A.D. in a small village on the island of Cyprus. Virtuous, deeply religious parents nurtured in him love and fear of God. The Bible became Spiridon's primary source of knowledge as well as a faithful daily companion.
In the hard days of idolatry and Christian persecution, the saint was a model of courage and truly Christian patience. He suffered for a long time for his faith in Christ, enduring many tortures. From 308 Spiridon was under arrest, and was released only in the 313. He was married, but lost his wife early and was left with a young daughter on his hands. But in spite of all his trials, the saint always found comfort in the word of God, turning his prayers and hopes of salvation to him. Generally recognized virtues earned Spiridon the respect and love of his fellow citizens. In him the afflicted found protection, and the unfortunate found solace.
It was the people's love that made Spiridon the First Bishop of Trimythous. But even after that, he remained the personification of Christian kindness and love. His doors, like his heart, were always open to everyone. In the bishop's house everyone could find food and shelter.
The name of Bishop of Trimythous is associated with the miracle he manifested at the First Council of Nicaea in 325. At that time, there was a heated dispute about the divinity of Jesus Christ and the trinity of God. Bishop Spyridon argued in support of this trinity. When it was his turn to speak, he took a clay brick in his hands, after which, crossing himself, he said:
"In the name of the Father", at which point a flame burst forth from the clay;
"And of the Son", and water began to drip from the brick;
"And of the Holy Spirit", after which only dry clay remained in his hands.
Those present were shocked and astonished. Spiridon explained that just as fire, water, and clay are three elements that make up one brick, so the Holy Trinity is God, one in Three Persons. And so the participation of the Bishop of Trimythous contributed to the establishment of truth at the Ecumenical Council.
The saint passed away in the year 348, but his intercession before God for people did not cease. Even today the christians offer up their prayers to him in the hope of help and protection.
O all-blessed and holy hierarch Spyridon, thou great favourite of Christ and most glorious wonderworker! Standing in heaven with the choirs of angels before the throne of God, look down with merciful gaze upon the people who stand here before thee and beseech thy mighty aid. Entreat the compassion of God Who loveth mankind, that He judge us not according to our iniquities, but that He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask for us of Christ our God a peaceful and undisturbed life, health of soul and body, bounty from the earth and abundance and prosperity in all things; and that we turn not the good things given us by our compassionate God to evil, but rather to His glory and the glorification of thine aid. Deliver all who approach God with unwavering faith from all retribution and from the assaults of the demons. Be thou a comforter for the grieving, a physician for the afflicted, a helper amid temptations, a shelter for the naked, an aid to the widowed, a defender of the orphaned, a nourisher of infants, a strengthener of the aged, a guide to travellers; and beg thou for all who are in need of thy mighty help all things which conduce to salvation, that, guided and protected by thy prayers, we may attain unto everlasting rest and with thee may glorify God Who is worshiped in the Holy Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
Length: 16 or 20 cm
Weight: ~5 gr
Beads volume: ~5,5 mm
Material: weaving cord, seed beads, sterling silver